Wednesday Night Programming
Regular Wednesday night programming goes Jan. 22-April 9 from 6:30-7:30pm. Learn more in your weekly Happenings emails. Not connected? Email connect@calvarychurchmpls.org.
Regular Wednesday night programming goes Jan. 22-April 9 from 6:30-7:30pm. Learn more in your weekly Happenings emails. Not connected? Email connect@calvarychurchmpls.org.
Starting Feb. 5 on Wednesday mornings through April 9.
In the McGarvey Room. Meeting on March 12, 19, 26, April 9, 23, 30, & May 7. All are welcome ANY week you are available.
April 13 at 10am. All children & youth should report directly to the nursery/CKV area by 10am so we can be ready for the parade.
Maundy Thursday communion service. Childcare provided.
Breakfast at 9am with Easter service at 10am. Calvary provides ham, hot crossed buns, juice, & coffee. Please bring a brunch item to share.
We have room for everyone to join for camp this year with expanded housing options and excellent facilities, food, and fellowship. Folks can choose remote and rustic camping above the shores of Lake Superior or stay near more modern facilities near at the main camp where we will host group meals.
Kids are being served lunch during the meeting & pizza provided for adults after the meeting.
Adults-only walk to three different neighborhood restaurants for appetizers, dinner, and dessert. Super fun childcare provided by a youth as fundraiser for their summer mission trip.
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VXmm79njpayImMQu8gwGaas4jAeuWC7AC_GMg5LVvts/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Brought to you by the Black Justice Working Group of Calvary’s Faith & Justice group.
6-6:25 is dinner and 6:30-7:45pm speaker. Childcare available with advance RSVP to amy@calvarychurchmpls.org.
-Feb 12 topic from Dr. Tanden Brekke: "Becoming Human"
-Feb 26 topic from Rev. Dr. Curtiss DeYoung: "Rescuing the Bible from the Captivity of the White Gaze"
We’ll provide the main dish, you bring your favorite soul food side.
Dig into history, examine values, & explore membership.
Guided by Revs. Jill & Tim Geoffrion at Hope Haven in Wayzata.
Questions & sign up: connect@calvarychurchmpls.org
Christmas Market from 6-9pm with break for concert 7-8:15pm.
Join a Calvary family in their home for a special meal during the Advent season. Many hosts, dates, and times available. Check out happenings for a list of all the opportunities and to sign up.
An advent adventure: Ethiopian style.
Angels and shepherds; kings and gifts. A pregnant pilgrim seeking shelter. Who will offer welcome? This is the journey of Christmas. The holy child within our midst.
WANDER is a unique advent adventure for Calvary families and folks of all ages honoring the Mexican tradition of La Posada. This. year, we will journey through Whittier homes & parks engaging in Ethiopian games and stories. Come in warm clothes to brave the outdoors for at least part of the evening. We'll gather at the end for a festive Ethiopian meal and crafts together at church.
Contact: Amy@calvarychurchmpls.org
Hosted at Reed’s home. Bring a side dish to share. Stay tuned in happenings and announcements for the address.
Dinner for all in Glanton Hall. Calvary provides Turkey, Ham, Gravy, Rolls, & Cider. Bring an abundant side dish or dessert from your own holiday tradition.
If you are interested in membership at Calvary, please RSVP to this Roots & Reach class on Nov. 17 from 5-7pm. Email connect@calvarychurchmpls.org to register.
Calvary is committed to provide exceptional, meaningful, and safe programming for children, youth, and families for their faith development, up-building, and enjoyment. As a part of our updated safety plan, we are working to ensure ALL PARENTS understand our safety policies and procedures for CKV & youth programming and know our Safeguarding Team and where to turn if something doesn't feel safe or right.
Please make time (and be on time) to join a brief training meeting for all parents before worship. Drop kids in the nursery area then join in CKV. Global Grounds prize drawing for those who are on time!
Welcome Lunch after worship Oct. 20 for those who are newer to Calvary and interested to learn more. Please RSVP to connect@Calvarychurchmpls.org.
Connection & Conversation after the service for Calvary emerging adults ages 18-25.
All are welcome to join any week you are able for our Wednesday night activities from 6:30-7:30pm:
YOUTH GROUP - 6th - 12th grade students meet in the Youth Room
CKV & NURSERY PLAY - Pre-k through 5th grade kids join Amy Runion upstairs in CKV
BIBLE STUDY - with Pastor Louise. Info below.
CHOIR - occasional practices and performances. Contact nataliedrasmussen@gmail.com to get connected.
Sunday, September 15 is our annual kick off to fall programming. After the worship service, we’ll explore the building together, enjoying a progressive lunch and learning about the diverse ministry and connection opportunities available.
Join us for outdoor worship and communion over Labor Day weekend. We'll meet in the shade of the trees in the center of Whittier Park, just over 2 blocks west of Calvary. Parking available the entire block surrounding the park or in the parking lot for the park building, which has restrooms.
Whittier Park has a playground, basketball courts, and wading pool. Bring a chair or blanket to sit and something to share to extend the celebration of communion to a picnic lunch following the service.
We’ll celebrate with our baptism service here at Calvary. Communion worship will take place in the sanctuary with the baptism and a potluck lunch following in our back parking lot.
Please plan to join us and to bring a dish to share. If you are interested in baptism and want to talk more about it, contact Pastor Louise, Pastor Amy, or Kadrian.
Are you new to Calvary? We’d love to treat you to lunch after the service on July 21. Please email connect@calvarychurchmpls.org to RSVP.
This event is full.
Family camp takes place at a lovely group camping area right on the shores of Lake Superior. It is truly the best of both worlds with comfortable wilderness accommodations from cabins to furnished tents, to staking your own tent. Food is delicious and prepared by campfire. Coffee is ample. And, miles of beach access, the fellowship and beauty can't be matched.
Friday, June 28 @ 4pm - Sunday @ 2pm
Our luggage and supplies are driven out to camp while the rest of us hike the easy 1/2 mile trail to Adizokan Village. Luggage delivery out will be available on Friday at 4pm & 7:30pm and Sunday 10am & 2pm. Those choosing to stay at the cabins may consider bikes and/or wagons for the trek back and forth. Showers, flush toilets, electricity, and sauna are available at the main lodge. Our schedule is flexible and family-focused.
EVERYONE is welcome on Thursday night to our family block party night with games, inflatables, walking tacos, and Ediberta’s delicious handmade tamales. Rain or Shine (rain plan = Glanton Hall)
Childcare available at Calvary with advanced registration as fundraiser for youth summer trips.
Find tickets and information here: https://feverup.com/m/159047