Senior Pastor Search


We seek someone who is authentic, approachable, humble, wise, energetic, and a lover of people. Whoever you are, we ultimately want someone who understands themself well, who understands our church community, and who senses God is calling them to lead us into our next chapter.

For our church profile & senior pastor job description, click the document below.


Learn More & Apply

To see our 2024 annual report, click here.

For questions, or to request a copy of our bylaws, email

If you are an American Baptist clergy, please apply using the Ministrelife platform, while also emailing with the following: resume, links to at least 3 sermons you have delivered (video & audio preferred), and a written statement (500 words or less) that answers these 3 questions: What is your vision for ministry? How have you grown and changed during your career in ministry? Why are your skills and values a good fit for Calvary?

If you are not an American Baptist clergy, please send the items listed above to and

Position is open until filled. Priority review of applications begins on April 25, 2025. 

Want to know us more? Get to know some individual stories of the Humans of Calvary here.