We are excited to continue to serve our community.
Summer Outdoor Worship
Worship Together 10am Sundays at Washburn Fair oaks park
Please join Sundays at 10 a.m. for summer worship at Washburn Fair Oaks Park. Bring your own blanket or chairs.
Cold water and hot coffee will be available - Bring your own water bottles and mugs if you're able (paper cups also provided). Email info@calvarychurchmpls.org with your name to be added to our happenings newsletter list to stay informed regarding the details of the day and any special events or weather cancellations.
Washburn Fair Oaks Park is directly north of Minneapolis Institute of Arts (200 24th Street). You can contact dean@calvarychurchmpls.org if you have barriers to attending at the park – the sermon will be posted later in the week and watch party options may be available.
As always please stay home if you are ill or have COVID symptoms.
Pastor Jeff’s weekly sermons are posted on our Facebook Sunday Messages Video Playlist or our YouTube Playlist for Sunday Messages. Be challenged and encouraged as we worship together through study. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel or activate notifications for our Facebook page if you want to be notified when new videos arrive.
Summer Sunday Nights at the Pub
Worship outside in the neighborhood is just one way we are working to bring church outside the building in Whittier. Let’s deepen our connection to neighbors at a fantastic little place where they are already gathering.
Calvary folks are invited to Randi and Pastor Jeff’s Prodigal Pub Sunday evenings. Show up around 4pm. You’ll recognize new Calvary servers and have the chance to run into other Calvary friends on a night out.
Community Gatherings
Continue to Celebrate Summer Wednesday, August 11. Invite your neighbors and friends to come out. Food truck, live music by Calvary's own "Tall, Dark and Matthews", The MIA Art Cart, Ice cold Vanlice Lemonade, and MorningScape Farms Veggies. More details next week.
We need help with set up starting at 4:45 p.m. Email Dean@calvarychurchmpls.org if you can pitch in.
Special Family Funds
Available for anyone impacted during these difficult times.
Some in our Calvary community are seeing their income drop dramatically due to the economic impacts of the pandemic, while others are able to share generously to help.
If you've seen your income impacted, consider completing this application. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and funds awarded as they become available.
If you'd like to donate toward our Special Family Fund using PayPal click here. If you would like to give via ACH or check contact dean@calvarychurchmpls.org.
Giving Options
Our virtual offering plate.
We are so grateful for your continued giving to Calvary. If you normally give via the Sunday offering plate, consider these options: sign up here for ACH or use PayPal here. Please note that PayPal does charge Calvary a 3% fee whereas ACH is essentially free for Calvary (and you!). You can also mail your check to 2608 Blaisdell Ave South, Minneapolis 55408.
SUP Neighborhood Connection Groups
Staying connected on a local level.
SUP gatherings offer Calvary neighbors a chance to connect in meaningful and fun ways together. SUP discussion guides are available here. Contact Pastor Amy anytime if you have any questions, concerns, or need help connecting to your group. We would love to hear from your group about any successes or failures with connection during the COVID crisis at connect@calvarychurchmpls.org.
Stay Connected
Download our Instant Church Directory App.
We always want to be able to reach out to you and each other. While someone at church, even a pastor, might have your number, we'd like our directory to be accurate and helpful in keeping people connected. If you're already in the directory, please update any incorrect information.
1. Get added to the directory by sending your name(s), email, phone and address to jackie@calvarychurchmpls.org.
2. Download the directory app called Instant Church Directory & log in (after Jackie confirms your information has been added) to start connecting.
3. Update your directory information and add photos.
Contact Jackie@calvarychurchmpls.org if you need help getting added or updating your information.
Calvary Kids Village (CKV) & Youth Ministry
Engaging children and youth in outrageous fun and meaningful faith development
Sunday Mornings - visit the nursery tent for families with young kids to find toys, snacks, and connection with other parents during worship at the park. Plus special CKV gatherings for elementary aged kids during the sermon many Sundays, youth are invited to join Glenys to worship together.
Youth Group Gatherings - youth grades 6-12 are invited to regular Wednesday outdoor gatherings for swimming, pizza, pingpong, and an outdoor movie.
CKV Village Voice - a regular CKV email providing weekly zoom links and registration information for Sunday CKV, along with many other opportunities for connection and faith development for kids this summer. Contact Pastor Amy to start receiving these emails.